Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm a gay man stuck in a straight girl's body

Don't judge me, I'm well aware of how stupidly excited I am. I'll be making some important purchases for myself and my roommate on George's official website while I wait for tickets to go on sale April 6th. You in?

Additionally, I found these while image searching:


And a cat named George Michael!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

O, R they?

Alright, I've been tagged. I wouldn't normally do this, but I'll punch a baby in the face before I turn down a challenge.* Here are some (different people who have done if have anywhere from 5-15 quotes, so I'll pick as many as I feel like**) quotes from some of my favorite movies, or movies I quote the most. If you guess them correctly, you win my respect or a pony. Choose wisely.

1. Hey! Dancin' boy!

2. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick.

3. So there's that. I guess I have that.

4. The phone! The phone! Where's the fucking PHONE?!

5. I've had a rough year, Dad.

6. After my divorce from Luther I scraped by with baby-sitting gigs and odd jobs - mostly the jobs we call blow.

In turn, I'm tagging these people: Scollins, Katie Cheek, Evan Pohl and Tim Dunn.

*Probably not true. Unless a baby challenges me, in which case it's on, baby.
**Bonus quote in the title! Aaagh!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I made a mistake today

That was it. I can't imagine why someone would buy this in the first place, there's nothing appetizing about something flavored like shrimp that you can buy with cigarettes and a lotto ticket. Sure, I tried a couple, but didn't pay money for it. I was curious and someone had left them up for grabs in the office kitchen. Now all I want to do is find out who bought this garbage so I can judge their poor money management. I'm going to go throw up, brb.

Monday, March 3, 2008

My dog Finn is an adorable asshole

So, the pants that I'm wearing... I think my dog peed on them. I'm actually sure of it, because my pants smell like dog pee and I didn't put it there (...Evan? Anything to confess?). I inconveniently noticed this shortly after I got to work, so have been spending the day distancing myself from my coworkers and doctoring a photo of the little rascal. I know I won't have the heart to scold him when I get home because he will have forgotten and I am a sucker for a pretty face. Again I find myself a pushover for an adorable asshole.